ice - significado y definición. Qué es ice
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Qué (quién) es ice - definición

ICE; ICE (disambiguation); Ice (drug); Ice (song); Ice (book); Ice (novel); I.C.E.; Ice (film); Ice (TV series)

  • Ice formation on exterior of vehicle windshield
  • url= }}</ref>
  • SnowCastle]] [[ice hotel]] in [[Finland]]
  • Feather ice on the plateau near [[Alta, Norway]]. The crystals form at temperatures below −30&nbsp;°C (−22&nbsp;°F).
  • Channel through ice for ship traffic on [[Lake Huron]] with [[ice breaker]]s in background
  • New York]]
  • A small frozen [[rivulet]]
  • abbr=on}} in diameter
  • Harvesting ice on [[Lake St. Clair]] in [[Michigan]], c. 1905
  • bibcode = 1933JChPh...1..515B }}</ref>
  • Ice on deciduous tree after [[freezing rain]]
  • Layout of a late 19th-Century ice factory
  • Log-lin]] pressure-temperature [[phase diagram]] of water. The [[Roman numeral]]s correspond to some ice phases listed below.
  • ''Skating fun'' by 17th century Dutch painter [[Hendrick Avercamp]]
  • Loss of control on ice by an [[articulated bus]]
  • An accumulation of ice pellets
  • [[Snowflake]]s by [[Wilson Bentley]], 1902.
  • black pneumatic boot]].
  • Ice pier during 1983 cargo operations. [[McMurdo Station]], Antarctica
Frozen water; Crystalline water; Solid water; Water (solid); Ice XIII; Uncommon phases of water ice; Party ice; Glacier ice; Ice 10; Ice 13; Ice 14; Ice fourteen; Ice-fourteen; Ice thirteen; Ice-thirteen; Ice ten; Ice-ten; Ice four; Ice-four; Ice formation; Commercial ice; Frozen ice; Frozen lake; Phase of ice; Ice phase; Phases of ice; Commercial production of ice; Lake ice
1) n.
expensive jewelry, commonly used to refer to diamonds
Did you see my girl flaunting the ice I gave her.
1) v.
to kill
Mookie just iced Clumsy McNothumbs.
  • Ice formation on exterior of vehicle windshield
  • url= }}</ref>
  • SnowCastle]] [[ice hotel]] in [[Finland]]
  • Feather ice on the plateau near [[Alta, Norway]]. The crystals form at temperatures below −30&nbsp;°C (−22&nbsp;°F).
  • Channel through ice for ship traffic on [[Lake Huron]] with [[ice breaker]]s in background
  • New York]]
  • A small frozen [[rivulet]]
  • abbr=on}} in diameter
  • Harvesting ice on [[Lake St. Clair]] in [[Michigan]], c. 1905
  • bibcode = 1933JChPh...1..515B }}</ref>
  • Ice on deciduous tree after [[freezing rain]]
  • Layout of a late 19th-Century ice factory
  • Log-lin]] pressure-temperature [[phase diagram]] of water. The [[Roman numeral]]s correspond to some ice phases listed below.
  • ''Skating fun'' by 17th century Dutch painter [[Hendrick Avercamp]]
  • Loss of control on ice by an [[articulated bus]]
  • An accumulation of ice pellets
  • [[Snowflake]]s by [[Wilson Bentley]], 1902.
  • black pneumatic boot]].
  • Ice pier during 1983 cargo operations. [[McMurdo Station]], Antarctica
Frozen water; Crystalline water; Solid water; Water (solid); Ice XIII; Uncommon phases of water ice; Party ice; Glacier ice; Ice 10; Ice 13; Ice 14; Ice fourteen; Ice-fourteen; Ice thirteen; Ice-thirteen; Ice ten; Ice-ten; Ice four; Ice-four; Ice formation; Commercial ice; Frozen ice; Frozen lake; Phase of ice; Ice phase; Phases of ice; Commercial production of ice; Lake ice
  • Ice formation on exterior of vehicle windshield
  • url= }}</ref>
  • SnowCastle]] [[ice hotel]] in [[Finland]]
  • Feather ice on the plateau near [[Alta, Norway]]. The crystals form at temperatures below −30&nbsp;°C (−22&nbsp;°F).
  • Channel through ice for ship traffic on [[Lake Huron]] with [[ice breaker]]s in background
  • New York]]
  • A small frozen [[rivulet]]
  • abbr=on}} in diameter
  • Harvesting ice on [[Lake St. Clair]] in [[Michigan]], c. 1905
  • bibcode = 1933JChPh...1..515B }}</ref>
  • Ice on deciduous tree after [[freezing rain]]
  • Layout of a late 19th-Century ice factory
  • Log-lin]] pressure-temperature [[phase diagram]] of water. The [[Roman numeral]]s correspond to some ice phases listed below.
  • ''Skating fun'' by 17th century Dutch painter [[Hendrick Avercamp]]
  • Loss of control on ice by an [[articulated bus]]
  • An accumulation of ice pellets
  • [[Snowflake]]s by [[Wilson Bentley]], 1902.
  • black pneumatic boot]].
  • Ice pier during 1983 cargo operations. [[McMurdo Station]], Antarctica
Frozen water; Crystalline water; Solid water; Water (solid); Ice XIII; Uncommon phases of water ice; Party ice; Glacier ice; Ice 10; Ice 13; Ice 14; Ice fourteen; Ice-fourteen; Ice thirteen; Ice-thirteen; Ice ten; Ice-ten; Ice four; Ice-four; Ice formation; Commercial ice; Frozen ice; Frozen lake; Phase of ice; Ice phase; Phases of ice; Commercial production of ice; Lake ice


Ice (disambiguation)

Ice is the solid form of water.

Ice or ICE may also refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para ice
1. ice, water ice.
S Pete Worden & Chris DiBona _ Talks at Google
2. ice.
Dream Big, Little Pig _ Kristi Yamaguchi _ Talks at Google
3. Ice.
A Song of Ice and New Species
4. Ice."
Jeff Orlowski _ The Social Dilemma _ Talks at Google
5. ice.
Synthetic Life _ David Deamer _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de ice
1. By George Erdosh There are three kinds of ice cream÷ cheap ice cream, good ice cream, and great ice creams.
2. The ice exists in pristine, crystalline ice and radiation–damaged amorphous ice.
3. Perennial ice cover is ice that survives the summer melt, consisting mainly of thick multiyear ice floes that are the mainstay of the Arctic sea ice cover.
4. Here both are adjectives for ice. Ëĺäîâ$';é is used when something is made of ice by nature (ëĺäîâîĺ ďîëĺ; ice field); when referring to something on the ice (like ëĺäîâŕH'; äîđî';ŕ –– the ice road –– over Lake Ladoga during World War II); when referring to action connected with ice (ëĺäîâîĺ ďëŕâŕí';ĺ –– Arctic navigation); or when referring to some instrument or machine that deals with ice (ëĺäîâ$';é ňîďîđ; ice axe). ËĺäH';íîé is the word more commonly used in everyday speech.
5. It refers to things made of ice by man, like ëĺäH';íîé äîě (ice house), ëĺäH';íîĺ öŕđńňâî (ice kingdom) or even ëĺäH';íîé '3;';';–'3;ĺí (Big Ben ice sculpture). It is also used for things covered in ice (ëĺäH';íŕH'; ęđ$';řŕ; ice–covered roof) and anything that is icy cold.